Mandalin Cooper was born and raised in Northwest Montana. She is married and a mother of 7. She enjoys snowboarding and reading while also chasing her children around the country in whatever sport they are involved in. Mandalin is a recovered addict who knows first hand the demon that takes hold and how she was able to defeat it. Mandalin is also not ashamed to admit during that addiction, she became a convicted felon. She married the love of her life who is also a recovered addict, convicted felon, Christopher. He spent a collective 15 years in the Colorado State Penitentiary. Christopher and Mandalin have completely changed their lives. They have decades of clean time between and are now productive citizens. Mandalin loves to share hope and healing to everyone she meets. Especially through words on paper. Mandalin is a Reiki Master and owner of a natural healing practice in Colorado where she resides with her family